Thursday, December 22, 2005

Deliriously Damaged

I met with my insurance agent today. Apparently since I turned in my last premium late, I technically have no insurance right now. I was saving up to go to Upstate NY Masquerade Ball 2006 in Albany but now I don't think I can afford it anymore. I just finished my Inuyasha costume. I spent almost 3 months sewing and piecing this together and now I can't even show it off.

Even though I know no one is reading this, here is a picture of the damage to my car:

I'm going to go see how much this costs. Dealing with mechanics always gets me down...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Laborious Longing

I thought I had a good thing going here but I just realized something:

God I miss my bon bons.

Satisfyingly Snackworthy

I went back to Safeway and made some new friends. Everyone meet Ben and Jerry:

Careless Consumption

Could this night get any worse? I just went to Safeway to get something to snack on and I found they're completely out of bon bons. I asked the manager when they'd get more in and he told me not for at least another week. I decided to eat healthy so I got some licorice.

God, licorice sucks.


Great. I just got home from the worst experience I've ever had on the road. On the freeway, I was in the fast lane going a good 65 and the person behind me started tailgating me. I just stayed there for a while until that horrible individual proceeded to honk at me. It was so frightening I actually lost control of my car and scraped against the divider. By the time I made my way to the shoulder, I saw at least 10 people drive past laughing at me.

God, my life sucks. And I'm out of bon bons.

Lost in Frustration

So I sit down for lunch today and the first thing Jay tells me is "nice sandwich."

What is that? Is he telling me I'm fat? I know I've gained a few pounds, but I can't really help genetics. I really don't feel that this a positive work environment. Tomorrow I'm eating in my cubicle.

Forlorn, Forsaken, and Forgotten

I keep refreshing this page hoping someone will leave me a comment, but it seems in cyberspace everyone cares about me as much as in my regular life.

Are a few kind words too much to ask for? I'm going to go stare at the wall until I can drift into the sweet embrace of sleep where the pain inside just fades away...

Just Misunderstood

I just came back from King Kong, and I would wholeheartedly recommend it...

Except for the fact that I couldn't compose myself enough after crying my eyes out at the ending to even drive myself home. I had to call a cab.

I hate my life. I'm going to go eat some bon bons.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Countdown to Collapse

I don't even know why I'm doing this... Everyday seems like an exercise in futility as I wade through the abyss of hatred in the world around me. Sometimes I think it would even be better to sink into nothingness, rather than continue this spiral into the dark.

Today at work I made a conscious effort to come in early. On Mondays the department manager brings in donuts to the delight of everyone I work with. Unfortunately, I always manage to come in a few minutes late to no donuts. I was so proud of myself for getting here early that I almost ran to the break room.

I almost broke down right there. The receptionist was busily munching on the last donut! All morning I couldn't think of anything else. I had to leave our weekly reports meeting to run to the restroom because I couldn't contain myself. I think the person in the stall next to me could hear my crying, but, mercifully, they left without saying anything.

I'm going to go meditate for a while in the parking lot.